
All Starz Gymnastics Team Program

All Starz Gymnastics team program has grown very quickly! We offer  Xcel & Optional levels of gymnastics.

All Starz holds Team try-outs once a year to test students who are interested in going on the competitive gymnastics path!

Xcel Program

Xcel Program is a level of gymnastics that can widely be used. GCGC Xcel athletes train 6 hours per week and work on developing new skills to add to their routines. USAG Xcel athletes train 9 hours a week and are working to add more skills to their routines and to move up through the Xcel levels or onto level 6 and into our optional training program.

Optional Program (Level 6-10)

These levels are very challenging and each level has specific requirements they must complete in their routines. These gymnasts train 15 or more hours per week! They are highly competitive levels and take a huge commitment!!